4 Pittsburgh Interior Designers Share Their New Year’s Resolutions

The image shows a woman in profile with a cityscape collage overlaid on and emanating from her head, blending urban architecture with her thoughtful expression.

Created by author using Midjourney - an artistic image of a female interior designer, with floor plans, color palettes, and finishes circling her head.

The craziness of the holiday season has passed, decorations have been taken down and stored away, and suddenly you realize you just need some pizzazz in your space. It could be as simple as a coat of paint, or perhaps it’s a full design overhaul. Your head may be spinning with ideas, or perhaps you have no clue what to do next.

Dive into the following New Year’s Resolutions from 4 talented interior designers based in Pittsburgh.


1. Betsy Wentz Interior Design

Betsy started her career in mental health counseling and soon after chose to work alongside her mother in the interior design industry. Establishing her own design firm in 2011, she later expanded to a 3,000 sq. ft. showroom called Studio B which is filled with wallpaper, fabrics, and more.

She’s known for her fun and frenetic design style, which includes bold color combinations, pattern play, and client-centered design.

In early 2023, Betsy published a colorful coffee table book called Design Happy, which features 12 homes that showcase her creative use of color, pattern, and texture.


Meet Betsy!

My design resolution for 2024 is to attempt to be more sustainable.
— Betsy Wentz

“We do all of the things at home to try to have a positive impact, so why not at work?

“Incorporating vintage and antique pieces and giving new life to family heirlooms by way of painting/refinishing is a great way to start.”

Betsy’s client approached her, torn on what to do with their heirloom grandfather’s clock. The piece was sentimental, but it was not their design style—too traditional. To breathe new life into this clock, Betsy chose Benjamin Moore’s color Citron, 2024-30 to provide a vibrant pop in her client’s whimsical entryway.

Take a second look at the items in your attic or basement—oh the treasures you may find!


2. Arose Interiors

Abby Cunningham, a graduate of the IUP interior design program, established her firm, Arose Interiors, in 2019.

With over a decade of experience in the industry, Abby developed her design focus early on—building open and honest relationships through clear communication with her clients.

By understanding her client’s desires and goals, she is able to create spaces that authentically capture their personality.


Meet Abby!

My New Year’s resolution for 2024 is to be more intentional and confident in my designs and creativity.
— Abby Cunningham

“With the accessibility of social media, it’s easy to question my abilities, compared to other professionals in the design community, and feel pressure to create the latest and greatest spaces that ‘WOW’ not only my clients but my peers.

“2024 is a new year for a positive and confident Arose Interiors.

“I intend to push clients outside their comfort zone by suggesting unique combinations or applications of mixed media in their homes.” 

I recently watched the 2023 ASID Trends Report Overview. The global rise of unhappiness is at an all time high, according to a recent Gallup poll. People reported feeling more angry, sad, and stressed than ever before. Given social media, and the rise of imposter syndrome throughout the workplace, are we surprised?

So, what’s the cure? It’s important for us all to build each other up and encourage one another! As designers, it’s our job to create spaces where people feel truly at home - relaxed, recharged, and most importantly, happy!

Take a look at the spaces where you spend the most time—perhaps the dreaded office cubicle, a home office, your kitchen, or a living room.

What are some ways that you could declutter, reorganize, and refresh your spaces so that it’s no longer a stressful place to be?

Have no fear! At the end of the day, an interior designer is just a phone call away. We are trained and educated to help your space help you. Interior design is not just fluffing pillows 😉.


3. Colleen Simonds Design

A proud graduate of Parsons School of Design, Colleen started her career as a fashion merchandiser. Taking her eye for design in a different route, she took the leap of faith and opened her own design firm in 2011.

Her creative work has caught the eye of top publications like Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, and Martha Stewart Living, among others.


Meet Colleen!

My design resolution for 2024 is... to get out there in the world a little more, and to do and try some new things that feel uncomfortable for me.  A lot of this is around travel and design events. 
— Colleen Simonds

“I am most happy in my office, working on projects... that is truly my happy place. It's kind of an introvert's dream.

“But there's a whole wide world of design out there, and I know it would be good for me to see more of it, in person, and to also meet more people in the industry. 

“So, I'm kicking off 2024 with a bang and going to Deco Off in Paris in January for the first time!  Every other year I've been too timid to go - but this year, I'm doing it. And I hope to open myself up to more experiences like this throughout the year. 

“Maybe I can even be more open on Instagram, which is also hard for me!  We'll see - one thing at a time 😊.”

I recently listened to Colleen speak at a Table Magazine event for Pantene’s Color of the Year, Peach Fuzz.

She imparted many design wisdoms during her portion of the talk, but here are two that stuck with me.

  1. If you want to dabble in color, she recommends starting with a Farrow & Ball paint color. Their palette is extremely curated, and won’t leave you standing in the paint department looking at 500 different shades of blue. You can order their Colour Card for free on their website (linked below).

  2. Peach Fuzz may be Pantone’s color of the year, but it is a very saturated and bright color for most. Depending on the application, it can be a color that leans too youthful. Instead, Colleen turns to F&B Setting Plaster, a beautifully sophisticated dusty pink that works well in any interior.


4. Thornton Interior Design

From a young age, Jackie immersed herself in design. She watched her father and grandfather draft plans and build an addition onto their home, sparking her love for the industry.

While pursuing her interior design degree at La Roche, she was able to select interior finishes for her family’s new space. After starting her residential career in Scottsdale Arizona, she returned to her Pittsburgh roots with a passion for helping people bring their homes to life.


Meet Jackie!

My design resolution for 2024 is to (1) bend the rules and suggest out-of-the norm design trends and (2) to gradually incorporate sustainable practices into my design process.
— Jackie Thornton

“As designers, we are often wired to strive for perfection in our work. We are meticulous and refine every detail of a space, while aiming to create the most flawless and aesthetically pleasing designs possible.

“However, as the new year approaches, I have made the decision to challenge this mindset and embrace a new approach to my work. For far too long, I have ignored the little voice in my head and followed the tried-and-true methods of design, leaning on the expertise of my peers in the industry.

“This year, I’d like to break free from the confines of convention. I believe that bending the rules a bit can pave my own unique path in the world of design.

“With this shift in mindset, I’d also like to incorporate a more sustainable approach into future design work.

“This means utilizing more reclaimed products, giving new life to items and furniture through refurbishment, and embracing the beauty of existing elements within a space.

“By doing so, I know that we could minimize the environmental impact while hand in hand creating beautiful, timeless spaces with a balanced mix of old and new.

“The combination of these two resolutions fuels my passion for design, allowing me to create truly unique and sustainable spaces that not only look beautiful but also contribute to a more eco-friendly future. I am excited to embrace imperfection, break the rules, and create designs that reflect my personal style and values.”


Get Designing, Friends!

Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Believe in your own creativity. Invent, upcycle, restore…the world is your oyster!

2024 is a year to push design boundaries, take risks, and form your own trends.

I can’t wait to see what everyone creates.


Living Colorfully in 2024


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